
Team Recruitment: Keep Momentum with Marketing

June 3, 2024

When improving your marketing efforts, it is important to maintain a balance between working to attract new clients and preparing to receive and accommodate influxes of new clients. This means that as your marketing succeeds, you will need the manpower to maintain day-to-day operations. Here’s how your marketing can enhance team recruitment to help your team prepare for the new clients your marketing is attracting. 

Building Your Team Through Marketing

Team recruitment is an essential part of maintaining successful business operations. However, team recruitment can go beyond simply making a job listing. There are strategic ways to not only attract clients with your marketing, but also showcase yourself as a great place to work with everyday content. With the right steps, you can build a brand image that is enticing to both clients and job candidates. 

Marketing Beyond Consumers: A Foundation

When it comes to marketing, it is important to keep in mind that what you put out is not confined to just potential clients. A common error in marketing is to make all of your content a sales pitch about your service/product. 61% of job seekers look at a company’s website before applying and 79% of job seekers look for new jobs on social media. Consider the potential candidates you are missing out on by reducing your marketing strategy down to only talking to consumers - whether you are actively hiring or not. A part of successful content strategy is creating a content library that can be flipped through by new visitors. 

On your website, having a careers page is a great way to show potential candidates what is available and what working for you looks like. Not hiring? Adding a sign-up form for updates and/or your newsletter is a great way to provide these already interested visitors with access to openings when they drop.

On social media, creating content that breaks away from your product/service and showing both clients and prospects your culture is a valuable asset in your content library. Want to attract potential team members? Begin intentionally producing content on your website and social media that caters to these prospects. At Solinity Marketing, our team can help you reach your clients and prospects.

Group of business professionals

Transparency and In-the-Moment Content 

Once you begin the process of distributing content that is tailored to potential team members, you will want to determine what that content will look like. Thankfully, there are a variety of ways for you to market your brand and begin attracting qualified candidates. 87% of surveyed workers hoped that their next job would be more transparent. This shows that you can get ahead of the game by showing who you are before candidates ever apply. 

64% of consumers want to feel connected to a brand, and it is safe to assume this is true, if not more true, about job seekers. That’s why giving both clients and prospects a look into who you are as a company can build a sense of trust, which will allow potential candidates to feel more comfortable applying. In the up and coming workforce, 85% of job seekers are less likely to apply for a job if the company does not disclose the salary range in the job posting, which is another sign that transparency is essential to getting candidates to simply apply. A lack of transparency communicates to current job seekers that there is something being hidden; therefore, trust is harder to establish.

A way to combat this is by putting effort into creating content that pulls back the curtain and shows candidates what life is like when they join your company. Career pages and employee-centric articles are great additions to your website and can help boost SEO. On social media, there are plenty of opportunities to highlight employee testimonials, company events, and more. This can also include posting Q&As for potential candidates to ask their pressing questions in real time or posting “Day in the Life” videos to showcase what day to day life is like from the perspective of actual employees. Overall, it is important to take inventory of your current content and determine if it would attract potential employees. Pivoting can be difficult, which is why Solinity Marketing is prepared to assist you and your team with reaching the right audiences. 

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Attracting the Right Candidates

Every company has its own unique culture, which means you want to be strategic in attracting candidates who will be a good fit. This is built upon a transparent foundation, but it also requires you to consider where you are posting and what you are offering. There are unique differences between different job listing services and the demographics they cater to. From LinkedIn to Glassdoor to highlighting openings on Instagram can attract different types of candidates. Instagram draws in predominately younger users in comparison to LinkedIn; therefore, you can gauge the age and work experience of potential candidates based on where you reach them. Glassdoor users value transparency and want to know about employee experience as opposed to Indeed which offers a very simple click and apply process for job seekers. Before investing into strategies like ads on different platforms, determine which platform houses the demographic you are looking for. Entry level positions may be great for Indeed and Instagram, whereas more specialized positions may be a better fit for LinkedIn or Glassdoor.

Integrating your marketing efforts with strategic team recruitment is essential for sustaining successful operations as your client base grows. By balancing the focus between attracting new clients and preparing to accommodate them, you ensure that your business can maintain its momentum without overburdening your existing team. Contact us today to learn how Solinity Marketing can come by your side and help your team grow through strategic marketing.

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